Monday, August 08, 2005

What?! It's August already?

Wow time flies when your having fun! The summer continues to cruise along at a super sonic pace and before we know it, it will be time for school to start again. I shouldn't get to far ahead of myself here and let you all know what has been going on. Tammy and the kids have been relaxing at Camp Chestermere, well maybe not relaxing exactly, but they have been enjoying themselves. Tammy has started to be called "Mom" by the more than 60 staff who are mostly of the high school college age bracket. She is working hard in the kitchen enjoying the fact that she gets to make the mess and NOT have to clean it up. Kait has been a junior counsellor and been placed with some great senior counsellors. She is making tons of friends, no surprise, and continues to grow up way too quickly. Josh is working with the day campers who are usually about 5 years old and come out from 7:30 - 5:30 everyday, hence the day camp title. He's exhausted...hee...hee. How could those little guys have sooo much energy? Matthew has been able to be a camper, babysit two little boys for the Program Director, work as a dishwasher and pretty much join into whatever activities he wants to. I think they are all having too much fun without me. I (Gary) have been holding down the fort while everyone else is off playing. Actually I can't whine. My days are a little different in the summer. I spend about an hour or two at the hangar making sure the reception desk is organized and then I head over to the main campus. I am helping the maintenance guys catch up on the myriad of repairs that need to be done to keep the college ship shape. It's interesting, a new challenge each day. Oh and I got to go to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to represent the school at the world's largest Airshow. I know it was a sacrifice, but someone had to do it.

Support for our move to Zambia is starting to come in and we want to thank all of that are praying for us and have given financially we appreciate your sacrifice to help us. We need to raise $5700/ month and about $30,000 in one time expenses. It's an amount that is daunting, which is a good thing because it forces us to rely totally on God to provide.

We look forwrd to hearing from you and what is happening in your lives.
