Wow, it sure has been an exciting few weeks. We have been able to travel all over the countryside visiting family, friends and making new friends along the way. We have covered about 4000kms visiting Eaglesham, Fox Creek, Salmon Arm, Kamloops, Abbotsford, Richmond, Nanimo, Lantzville and Parksville. It has been awesome hearing the exciting things that God is doing in these places and a real privilege to be able to share about our work with MAF. Speaking of MAF, we are pretty excited about a change in plans as to where we are going to serve, MAF has asked us to return to Angola. They want us to be ready to head to Portugal for language training starting in January of '07. We now have a deadline to work towards and are excited about how God is going to bring things together.
When you think about us, could you specifically pray some of these things:
- Pray that we will be sensitive to Gods' leading as we seek opportunities to share not only about the work in Angola, but also that we would be used to communicate Gods' message of hope for the world.
- Pray that we will rest in His provision and timing. God has graciuosly provided 35% of our monthly support. Total monthly support required is $5700.00.
- Pray that in this mission Gods' name will be glorified and that His kingdom will be magnified.
We are excited to be heading back to Angola, renewing old acquaintances and friendships as well as seeing what new things God has in store for us. We are eager and ready to go, it is now just a matter of following Gods' leading. Let us know if you, your church or small group is interested in hearing about MAF's ministry in Angola. We would be glad to meet with you.
More details to follow.