Sunday, October 29, 2006

Finally, a moment to fill you in!

To say things have been a little crazy the last few weeks would be putting it mildly. Since we last updated you we have participated in a missions conference in Three Hills, stripped and shingled the roof at Tami's parents house, packed up all our wordly belongings and put them in storage and then moved to Boise Idaho for the next four weeks. Tami commented that after 21yrs of being married we can still put all of our stuff into one bedroom and that includes all the kids stuff as well! God has graciously allowed us to be mobile and not get too encumbered with least that is what we tell ourselves.

Since we have been in Boise I, Gary, have been hitting the books and taking ground school classes at MAF US that will help prepare me for the unique flying conditions encountered overseas. I haven't spent that much time in class and doing homework since...I don't know when! It has been great, the instructors and staff have been fantastic and I am excited about getting in the plane on Monday and starting to fly. The guys that I will get to fly with are truly some of the best in the world when it comes to flying the Cessna 206. I look forward to soaking up as much of their teaching as possible.
As far as Tami and the kids go they have been settling into the home schooling routine. We are in a two bedroom condo so the kids are sharing a room. They have been just awesome about it, we thank God daily for the amazing kids He has blessed us with.

We do have one thing that you could all pray about. My passport is on its' way to Angola, which typically isn't that big of a problem. However, something has malfunctioned at the junction and it is taking somewhat of a circuitous route to get there. To give you an idea of that route I have included where it has been and where it is as of October 29th.
October 18 Calgary
October 19 Wilmington Ohio
October 19 Toronto
October 19 Guadalhara, Mexico
October 20
Wilmington Ohio
October 20 New York, NY
October 20 Brussels, Belgium
October 23 Amsterdam, Netherlands
October 24 Mexico City
October 25 Wilmington Ohio
October 25 New York, NY
October 25 Brussels, Belgium
October 26
Amsterdam, Netherlands
October 27 Mexico City
October 28 Wilmington Ohio
October 28 New York, NY
October 29 Brussels, Belgium

Some day it will make for a really funny story, which it kind of is right now, but we really need it to get to Angola so they can take care of my work visa. Thanks for all your prayers and support we'll update you next week on how things are going and the saga of the passport. Drop us a line and tell us what you are up to, we would love to hear from you all!

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far
side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

God's Provision

I am continually humbled by the way God is providing our needs through the generosity of His people. We have been so privileged to meet new friends everytime we head out on the road to share what God is doing in our lives and where He is calling us to go. This past month we were able to head up to Eaglesham, Fairview and Fox Creek in northwestern Alberta. We had travelled that route in May and were eager to reconnect and also meet new friends. The Lord graciuosly reminds us each time that what we are doing is not about us, but about Him and His kingdom. Every home where we have stayed, every person we have met, has blessed us beyond anything we could repay. God has been so good to us and we pray that we can at least return a part of that blessing to all of you.

Things are really starting to kick into high gear this week, all the planning and preparation for returning to Angola is starting to come together. As you can see by our schedule on the side of the blog we are going to be living out of suitcases until we arrive in Angola next August. This weekend we will be heading to MAF US until the end of November for some advanced flight training. Following that we'll be on Vancouver Island for christmas, back to Alberta for the new year and then off to Colorado for a two week language acquisition course.We will be returning to Alberta one last time for final packing and farewells and then off to Portugal at the end of January for language training. Wow, things are getting exciting and scary all at the same time! Please continue to pray for us, we are continually humbled and blessed by all of your love and care.

We will update you next from MAF US in Nampa Idaho.