I figured I should take some time and show you all that we are actually studying and learning portuguese. The following pictures were not staged to hide that we are travelling around the country and living like gypsies.
The kids are also working twice a week with the same tutor that Tami and I meet with during the week.
Our tutor says that things are going well and that we are indeed making progress, although sometimes I think she is just being polite. Tami and I figure that after we leave our lesson she collapses in a heap of tears and mourns the destruction we have wrought on her beautiful language. Well, maybe I am being overly harsh, but it sure seems my mouth wasn´t designed to make the sounds I need to. In spite of it all we are enjoying things immensely. God has blessed us and we can´t thank all of you enough for your support and prayers. We are making friends with a family that owns a little coffee shop close to our apartment. We are praying that we will take advantage of opportunities to share the gospel with them.
On the weekend we went into the city to check out getting monthly bus passes for all of us. Where we live is like living in Airdrie outside of Calgary. We caught the bus into the city and found the Transit offices fairly easily. After taking care of the passes we headed to a large shopping mall in another part of the city. We explored a bit had supper in the food court and then headed outside to catch our bus home. Did I mention that it was raining buckets? We waited in the tiny shelter with a bus load...no really...of people. Our bus arrived about 30 minutes later and we all piled on and started to head home. We realized we were on the wrong bus when we saw the town hall for Matosinhos. That´s like catching the bus in downtown Calgary for Airdrie and finding yourself heading out of Calgary for Okotoks. Oooops! The bus driver was kind enough to let us off at the right stop to catch the proper bus. Did I mention it was raining buckets? We waited about 20 minutes in the tiny shelter before catching the correct bus home. We had to switch buses at another stop where we again were in a tiny leaking shelter for 30 minutes till our final bus arrived. We have been enjoying our little sight seeing excursions around the city of Porto...no really! We look forward to hearing how things are going in all of your lives. Until next time «adeus»
On the weekend we went into the city to check out getting monthly bus passes for all of us. Where we live is like living in Airdrie outside of Calgary. We caught the bus into the city and found the Transit offices fairly easily. After taking care of the passes we headed to a large shopping mall in another part of the city. We explored a bit had supper in the food court and then headed outside to catch our bus home. Did I mention that it was raining buckets? We waited in the tiny shelter with a bus load...no really...of people. Our bus arrived about 30 minutes later and we all piled on and started to head home. We realized we were on the wrong bus when we saw the town hall for Matosinhos. That´s like catching the bus in downtown Calgary for Airdrie and finding yourself heading out of Calgary for Okotoks. Oooops! The bus driver was kind enough to let us off at the right stop to catch the proper bus. Did I mention it was raining buckets? We waited about 20 minutes in the tiny shelter before catching the correct bus home. We had to switch buses at another stop where we again were in a tiny leaking shelter for 30 minutes till our final bus arrived. We have been enjoying our little sight seeing excursions around the city of Porto...no really! We look forward to hearing how things are going in all of your lives. Until next time «adeus»