It has come to my own attention that I have been delinquent in keeping up with our web log. That's actually being somewhat gracious, to be honest I have just been lazy, as time has gone by I began to get the feeling that I had been just repeating myself. However, due to the wonderful encouragement of friends, family, associates and even some out and out strangers we are going to be diving back into the world of blogging! I am not sure what direction things will go, but I actually think that might actually be a good thing.
At present we are working our way back to Three Hills after visiting with family, friends, churches and supporters in Northern Alberta and through out BC. We have been humbled and overwhelmed by the amazing people we have in our lives who have encouraged and blessed us! Unfortunately we are not going to be able to catch up with everyone and for this we apologize, but we will do our best to let you know what we are up to. As always we love to hear from you and what you are all up to.
Further updates to come!