This is Kaity.
So today I am it is my turn to write on my family's blog/journal thing, and today my "topic" is Christmas time.
So Christmas is about Jesus's birth, how he fufilled prophecies by being born in a stable, (with stinky cows...) and so every Christmas we celebrate that (not the stnky cows).
Anyways, this Christmas we are celebrating with our WHOLE family...thats right..
22 people + one house=CRAZINESS. anyways, so my Dad or mom will probably write a more "official" blog entry but I wanted to say it in my words.
Remember that Jesus loves you
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
It's Cold Out There
Hey everyone,
As I sit here typing it's -25c outside and am thinking that life in Zambia sounds pretty good right now! Last month we had a chance to spend sometime in Kamloops, Merritt and Salmon Arm. What an awesome time! We were able to catch up with old friends and hear about what has been going on with them since we were last in touch. It was also great to meet new people and hear about how God is at work in their lives.
God is really blessing us as we share about what He is doing in our lives. It amazes and humbles us as people express a willingness to support us through their prayers and finances. We truly are overwhelmed at the interest and care that has been expressed. We were worried and afraid about what it would be like to go on the road to raise support, but God has once again shown that He is in control and that things will happen when He wants them to happen. I am not sure why I have to keep learning that lesson over and over again, but I do.
We are looking forward to Christmas this year as we will be able to spend it with both sides of our families. Should be a packed house and a lot of fun. After Christmas we'll be hitting the road again to encourage and share about what is going on. Looking forward to seeing and visiting with you all. Gives us a call or write an e-mail we would love to hear from all of you.
As I sit here typing it's -25c outside and am thinking that life in Zambia sounds pretty good right now! Last month we had a chance to spend sometime in Kamloops, Merritt and Salmon Arm. What an awesome time! We were able to catch up with old friends and hear about what has been going on with them since we were last in touch. It was also great to meet new people and hear about how God is at work in their lives.
God is really blessing us as we share about what He is doing in our lives. It amazes and humbles us as people express a willingness to support us through their prayers and finances. We truly are overwhelmed at the interest and care that has been expressed. We were worried and afraid about what it would be like to go on the road to raise support, but God has once again shown that He is in control and that things will happen when He wants them to happen. I am not sure why I have to keep learning that lesson over and over again, but I do.
We are looking forward to Christmas this year as we will be able to spend it with both sides of our families. Should be a packed house and a lot of fun. After Christmas we'll be hitting the road again to encourage and share about what is going on. Looking forward to seeing and visiting with you all. Gives us a call or write an e-mail we would love to hear from all of you.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
An Update
Well summer has been over for a while now which means it's time to up date you all again. Since we last shared with you we have had a chance to talk with the Director and the Human Resources Manager with The Flying Mission. We had an excellent talk with them and they have expressed that they would like us to be in Zambia by July of 2006. The amount of flying that they have been doing has tripled since last year, so they could really use us yesterday. The day after we talked to FM we headed out to Vancouver Island and a chance to visit Gary's mom and brother and sister in law as well as an opportunity to share at their church. We had a wonderfull time sharing and encouraging as well as hopefully being an encouragement to all we had a chance to visit and meet. The kids all got a chance to go surfing with their cousins while we were there. That's right... surfing...in water...not on the internet...in October... on the West coast of Vancouver Island...no Gary and Tami just watched!
"let's go surfin now , everybodies learnin' how, come on a safari with me..."

Coming up in November we are going to be making a swing thru the BC interior from the 18th to the 27th and hope to catch up with all our friends and make some new ones. We look forward to seeing a bunch of you then. We'll be sharing more details as the dates get closer.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
camp pictures

that was the theme this summer at camp "a place to belong"

josh and some of the "cldt" girls...no he isnt holding hands with the one girl....

me and my friends... i have the tiara on my head...in case you couldnt recognize me...

AND Matt learned how to wakeboard!!
now we dont have any pictures of mom...or dad...o well
anyways our summer was awesome!
see ya later
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
its from kait
Hey guys it is I, Kaity the first.
the amazing daughter of Gary and Tammy.
So usually on summer vacation we usually stay home and have a quiet summer, but this summer was anything but quiet. My mom decided that this summer instead of staying in the comforts of home she decided that we were going to go to Camp Chestermere. Now if you dont know my parents worked there back when the earths crust cooled (ok so it was only 20 years ago but come one guys im only 16, 20 years is a long time). So she decided that we would go there. It was a blast sure there were some times when all i wanted to do was stay in the warm and comforts of my bed, but that was only because it was SO cold! So that was fun, i learned alot, had barely any sleep and was generally sick for the most of it. Oh ya mom "dragged" josh, matt, and i to camp. Im joking we were in need of an adventure, so we were the ones dragging her.
ok so you are probably wondering why on earth i have a map of Africa and with Zambia of all places coloured in. Well to thoses who dont know or who havent figured it out Im moving there, yeah my family is coming with me too. Now in order to go to fancy places like Africa we have to do our time, and by that i mean we have to do deputation. Which means that we go to different Churchs and talk to them about what we do and why we do it (if you want to hear that whole spiel you can talk to my parents). So if you want us to come to your church talk to my dad.
anyways...im going to go now...
have an amazing rest of the day
(aka Kaitlin, Kait...)
Monday, August 08, 2005
What?! It's August already?
Wow time flies when your having fun! The summer continues to cruise along at a super sonic pace and before we know it, it will be time for school to start again. I shouldn't get to far ahead of myself here and let you all know what has been going on. Tammy and the kids have been relaxing at Camp Chestermere, well maybe not relaxing exactly, but they have been enjoying themselves. Tammy has started to be called "Mom" by the more than 60 staff who are mostly of the high school college age bracket. She is working hard in the kitchen enjoying the fact that she gets to make the mess and NOT have to clean it up. Kait has been a junior counsellor and been placed with some great senior counsellors. She is making tons of friends, no surprise, and continues to grow up way too quickly. Josh is working with the day campers who are usually about 5 years old and come out from 7:30 - 5:30 everyday, hence the day camp title. He's exhausted...hee...hee. How could those little guys have sooo much energy? Matthew has been able to be a camper, babysit two little boys for the Program Director, work as a dishwasher and pretty much join into whatever activities he wants to. I think they are all having too much fun without me. I (Gary) have been holding down the fort while everyone else is off playing. Actually I can't whine. My days are a little different in the summer. I spend about an hour or two at the hangar making sure the reception desk is organized and then I head over to the main campus. I am helping the maintenance guys catch up on the myriad of repairs that need to be done to keep the college ship shape. It's interesting, a new challenge each day. Oh and I got to go to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to represent the school at the world's largest Airshow. I know it was a sacrifice, but someone had to do it.
Support for our move to Zambia is starting to come in and we want to thank all of that are praying for us and have given financially we appreciate your sacrifice to help us. We need to raise $5700/ month and about $30,000 in one time expenses. It's an amount that is daunting, which is a good thing because it forces us to rely totally on God to provide.
We look forwrd to hearing from you and what is happening in your lives.
Support for our move to Zambia is starting to come in and we want to thank all of that are praying for us and have given financially we appreciate your sacrifice to help us. We need to raise $5700/ month and about $30,000 in one time expenses. It's an amount that is daunting, which is a good thing because it forces us to rely totally on God to provide.
We look forwrd to hearing from you and what is happening in your lives.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The Adventure Begins
It has been an interesting few weeks since our last posting so I will try to bring you up to speed on what has been happening with our household. At the beginning of June we had the privilege to go back to BC and share where God has been leading us. At the time we were talking with the Flying Mission in Botswana of serving with them in Zambia. Well since that time they have asked us to join their work. We are really excited about the opportunity this is for our family. A definite time schedule has yet to be worked out, but it looks like we will be aiming to be in Zambia by this time next year. There is a ton of stuff to do and we would love to come and share with any of you in person about what we will be doing. In the short term Tammy and the kids will be spending the next nine weeks working at Camp Chestermere just outside of Calgary. Tammy is helping in the kitchen while Kait will be a counselor, Josh will be helping with the Day Camp Program and Matt will be taking care of the Program Directors boys during the mornings. Gary is missing out on all the fun and will be continuing to flight intstruct at Prairie Bible College. We would love to hear from you all about what you are doing. I'll keep posting what's going on and hopefully we'll be able to see some of you in person. We are trying to set up a visiting schedule for the fall and winter so get ahold of us early while we still have open bookings.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Greetings to all of you that have taken the time to check out our Blog. At present we are still kicking around Three Hills finishing up school and getting ready for summer holidays. Our plans at present are pretty basic, so it shouldn't take too long to fill you all in on what is happening. We are looking for places that we can share about what we are up to so if you would be interested in us swinging by and sharing at a coffee night with friends, your church or whoever, let us know and we will work something out. Tammy and the kids are going to be spending the summer at Camp Chestermere just outside of Calgary. Some of you will be going that name sounds familiar, Tammy and I worked there when we were first married almost twenty years ago. Boy time flies when you are having fun! They will be there during the week and be home on Saturdays. Gary gets to keep working at the flight school at Prairie Bible Institute. During the second and third weeks of June we will be in Kamloops to visit with friends and hopefully speak to a bunch of different groups. We are still waiting to hear from the Flying Mission as to what their plans for us are. We should hear somthing at the end of May so we would really appreciate your prayers. Bye for now.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Our first venture into blogging
It seemed that this would be a good way to keep in touch with all our friends as we begin to make preparations to head back to Africa as missionairies with Mission Aviation Fellowship. This first posting is going to be a short one, but as we get things figured out, as far as blogging goes, we'll start to post more info as to how things are progressing. We look forward to staying in touch and hearing how you are all doing.
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