Well summer has been over for a while now which means it's time to up date you all again. Since we last shared with you we have had a chance to talk with the Director and the Human Resources Manager with The Flying Mission. We had an excellent talk with them and they have expressed that they would like us to be in Zambia by July of 2006. The amount of flying that they have been doing has tripled since last year, so they could really use us yesterday. The day after we talked to FM we headed out to Vancouver Island and a chance to visit Gary's mom and brother and sister in law as well as an opportunity to share at their church. We had a wonderfull time sharing and encouraging as well as hopefully being an encouragement to all we had a chance to visit and meet. The kids all got a chance to go surfing with their cousins while we were there. That's right... surfing...in water...not on the internet...in October... on the West coast of Vancouver Island...no Gary and Tami just watched!
"let's go surfin now , everybodies learnin' how, come on a safari with me..."

Coming up in November we are going to be making a swing thru the BC interior from the 18th to the 27th and hope to catch up with all our friends and make some new ones. We look forward to seeing a bunch of you then. We'll be sharing more details as the dates get closer.
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