It continues to be a real growing experience spiritually as we continue to raise support to return to Africa. My human nature continually worries about how things will all come together. How will it be possible to raise all our prayer and financial support by July of this year? At this point Tammy says that it's supposed to be bigger than what we can do so that God gets all the credit when He supplies all our needs. I'm glad that she is so in tune with God, it reminds me of where my trust is supposed to be placed. At present the Lord has taken care of about 20% of our support needs through the giving of His people. We want to thank those of you that are praying for us as well, without a solid foundation of prayer supporters our work will be in vain. We need to continually shower things in prayer so that our focus stays on glorifying God and not ourselves. We are humbled and blessed by those that have joined in supporting us in so many different ways .
One of the places that we may be posted is at a hospital in northwestern Zambia called Mukinge. The hospital was started in the early 1950's by SIM and contains a nurses training school as well as the 200 bed hospital that acts as a regional facility. We will work supporting the hospital by moving staff and supplies in and out, along with taking care of medivac flights to Mukinge and out to Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. We would also be assisting other missions and the national church with moving their people and resources around the countryside.
We are excited about the possibilities of serving here, please pray with us and the staff of the Flying Mission as they seek God's leading as to where we will be based. Just to make sure that I haven't confused people too badly. We are being loaned by our mission, which is MAF, to work with the Flying Mission in Zambia. You can check out either mission by clicking on the links in the sidebar.
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