It is odd to be celebrating Canada here in Angola and complaining that it's too cold outside! It's true! Last week the boys were out at our friends farm for a visit and when they got up in the morning there was ice on top of the water in the water tanks! This is crazy! We even bought a little wood stove to help take the chill off in the mornings, only thing is we have been waiting three months for the chimney to arrive. So right now we have this cast iron paper weight sitting in the corner of our living room reminding us of how toasty warm we could be! It's kinda funny because by the time lunch rolls around it is warmer outside then it is inside, something is truly out of whack! We hope that you have all had or are having or will have a great Canada Day long weekend.
A strange thing is happening in town that I am not quite sure how to react to. Normally most things don't get me to wound up or anxious, but this has actually got me a little rattled. They are fixing all the roads! That's right, well maybe not all of them, but certainly a large number of them, and it's starting to annoy me! Is that weird or what!? I mean that's a good thing right? I should be happy, no more dodging pot holes and craters and garbage and other cars that are dodging pot holes and craters and garbage. It's like they are trying to turn our city into Red Deer or something even more insidious like...ah like...well ah like...well at the moment I can't think of something. It is strange however, why would these much needed improvements get me all knotted up? They are even fixing part of the road that comes up to our compound, but some demented part of me is glad that they are leaving some of it as an obstacle coarse. I think I need some counseling.
On a ministry note the flight schedule keeps filling up each month. I am amazed how the Lord graciously connects us with those that we can help with the aircraft. This month, so far, we will be doing flights for World Vision, HALO Trust and The International Red Cross as well as some flights for the local mission hospital and some mission agencies. It is an honour and privilege to be a small part of Gods work here in Angola and that he is willing to use us to help accomplish his plans. One thing that you can pray about is the effect that rising fuel costs are having on our ability to provide affordable flights. Last month alone the price of jet fuel rose close to 30%. Pray that we will be good stewards of the money that you all generously give so that it goes to providing flights as much as possible and doesn't get swallowed by rising fuel prices.