A Day in the Life
This update I thought it would be interesting to take you on one of the trips that we do for the mission hospital here in Lubango. Once a month we take Dr. Steve Foster and his surgical team to the mission hospital at Kalukembe. Since my mom was visiting, she came along and recorded the event on film for posterities sake.
Dear Gary Tammy and Kids! Thanks for the update! Always so interesting!
You mentioned how the adventure continues. Life with our Lord is truly an adventure! Keep your eyes on the Shore!(Our Goal)Today Pastor Dave spoke about a women who attempted to swim across the english Channel in the 40's. The first time she tried it she called out for help and they rescued her because she could only see the "FOG".She was only about 2 KM's from the shore. It was a beautiful picture of how we need to believe that the "shore" is a reality and we need to keep our eyes focused on the SHORE in spite of the FOG! It was a real encouraging message I hope it will encourage you too!!!
Love In Him!
Zina VB
ps: (the second attempt she made it!)
Happy New Year Geortzen family! It is great to see what you have been up to. We miss you all but are excited to see what God has been doing through you.
We are amazed to see God shaping all the team needed to reach out to people in need - physically! Our son would agree wholeheartedly with the inspection before take-off! And our daughter-in-law's nurse in training heart would ache for the people you showed us with the needs! God Bless you!
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