Well as always it seems that everything is coming down to the last minute. Our tickets are booked back to Angola for the 21st of July and it seems like the list of things to get done before we go is getting longer and not shorter! At present I am working on a renewal for one of the ratings on my pilots license. The IFR rating allows me to fly without having to be able to see the ground. It's a lot of fun and the instructor that is shepherding me through the process at Prairie School of Mission Aviation is great. She knows her stuff inside and out which helps me immensely.
While in Three Hills we decided that it would be good to buy and little house and of course that means there are a myriad of things that we would like to have taken care of before we leave. It is already setup so that with a few changes we can have a suite in the basement that we will be able to use when we are home on breaks and furlough in the future. The upstairs will be rented to Matt and Rachel, so we are looking forward to having them keep an eye on things when we are overseas.
As we head back, MAF is looking at some changes in responsibilities for those of us in the program. There are some exciting opportunities especially with getting some runways built that will better serve our partners. Pray for us as we all adapt to new roles and responsibilities and work towards glorifying God in all that we do.
As our time in Canada comes to an end it gets a little harder to leave family behind. It has been great to be with our kids and see them growing their own families and loving on each other. We are thankful for so many of you that have stepped in and loved and cared for them when we are so far away. God has blessed us beyond what we could have ever imagined.
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